Dear Ted, you need to let go
I dont mean to break your heart, to offend you, or to make you less of a friend. You are one of my best friends, but you can't treat me as someone I don't want to be. Even if its a princess. That's not me, can't be and never will be.
I could tell you exactly what you want to hear. I could tell you no longer have to wait, that I'm standing right here.
That all my secrets will be shared with you, or simply that I'm in love you.
But I can't, I dont want to and it's never gonna happen.
I dont want to break your heart, even though you're breaking mine, without knowing it.
I'm done with it, with all the stories, with the forgiveness, the love, the things that only brings guilt upon me.
Cause that's exactly what you do. Make me feel guilty for not having those feelings towards you and sharing the things with you, that you've told me.
I don't understand it, I don't feel it, I don't want it, I don't wish for it.
Sorry, not sorry.