Dear Summer
Our time together is coming to an end and you gonna leave me soon.
And I wonder.. will I ever miss you.
I wish every year for you summer, to be amazing, different and worth remembering. But even this won't be worth remembering.
Moments yes. But not the entire summer. Have great days and nights at the sea, in Malmoe, parks, at home, restaurants and so on, with amazing people and memorable conversations. But also so much time on my own, bad times and emptiness.
I live for my friends, the moments I'm on top and wish I could experience again. But every time something breaks inside me. My social phobia kicks in and I no longer want to be among people.
More pieces to my life's puzzle gets found, more questions on my list gets answers. But my negative thinking continues. I find more problems than solutions. I live for the music and for the people around me, so that I do not have live my own life. So that don't understand what situation I'm in. Dear summer do we ever stop think and just live?