Someone I listened to a lot this week is the wonderful SOPHIE, both his own songs and those songs he
produced for others. Very special kind of sound, but also so good!
The second thing is, Twitter
I have been using twitter for some years, since 2012 or something like that, and is periodically active there.
Usually it is when life here ... is not on top. A lot at school to do (like right now), don't get along
with the people around me, or any other type out a negative thought, simply a way to escape from reality.
In this case, the tweets are from people that are living on the other side of the world, therefore,
they live the day I just lived, when I sleep, then when I wake up I have an entire lake of interesting information
about funny and imaginative life, every morning.
And the last thing, is not a book, but a serie. The serie Mr Robot that just started.
I have not much to say than that I love it and Rami's character Elliot, he's perfect in that role, just perfect.