Jag är emot det du gör

It's not you I'm against, I'm against what you are doing.
One thing I do not understand is why you are doing the opposite from what you say.
I know that time is passing, that we all get older, but why be so attached to find the right one, when you do not even know what it is you're looking for. But as I said, I'm against it, so do not ask me for help then it does not work between you two. Because I will never choose to go the same way, never.
It's not you I'm against, I'm against what you are doing.
One thing I do not understand is why you are doing the opposite from what you say.
I know that time is passing, that we all get older, but why be so attached to find the right one, when you do not even know what it is you're looking for. But as I said, I'm against it, so do not ask me for help then it does not work between you two. Because I will never choose to go the same way, never.
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