Raping someone is not a mistake!

More than half of what I wrote has gone missing, so let's try again. 
As you may know, I'm a fan of YouTube, I watch a few clips daliy and consider myself a YouTuber fan, they are people I look up to and take advice from. A few that I looked up to for a really long time, is for an example, people like Sam, Alex and Jason. I have been standing on their side on the line and forgot about the past, because I mean it's the past! So I thought untill I found out the real truth, and what has been done, that is unforgivable.
I'm disappointed, really pissed and feel really sorry for your family and friends that you've been lying to and for all the people that you hurt.
Before I'm going any further whit this, you should know that I'm not going to share any footage of any clips or screenshots of what's been shared online, you have to find that yourself. 
I've been trying to understand but now that I know that I know the whole story, I can't understand how someone can behave in such an awful way. This has be going viral online,  especially Twitter and many of peoples sharing their point of veiw on everything and that's, nothingelse than brave and everyone needs to be heard! YouTubers, effects so many more people than what they think and it makes me so sad, that someone who's a role model to so many people are using their fame only, to get in someone elses pants, underage for that matter. 
And everyone can have a shitty background or make some mistakes, yes. But raping someone, is not a mistake. Sleeping with someone against their will is not something that just happens. It just isn't!
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